A Guide to Camera Language

Thank you next- medium shot
Through this Median Shot, the image denotes that Ariana Grande is upset and is holding a dollhouse in her hands, which connotes that she is moving on from something that she has a close connection with. Her facial expression also displays that she has been crying and shows a clear expression of sadness, however it also shows that she is finally growing up. She is also eye level which offers the audience to truly take in her feelings and perhaps relate to her as well.
The background shows a wedding and people dressed up for it, however through Ariana's normal clothes, it denotes that she wasn't invited. This connotes that everyone from high school moves on and everyone separates, the audiences can perhaps relate to this as they may not contact people from high school. Ariana is shown as a female stereotype as she gets very emotional in this scene, and women are usually seen as the emotional gender. This stereotypical character trait may appeal to a female audience member who can relate to Ariana's feelings.


Don't call me Angel -a long shot
Through this long shot, the image shows three women standing with angels wings on them, the music video is called "don't call me angel", which juxtaposes with their clothes. They are dressed in all black unlike angels who are shown to always be wearing white, perhaps showing that they are not amazing people and have flaws, trying to get the audience to understand this.  All three of the women are wearing three different dresses which shows that they are all different and have different perfections and flaws as a woman. They are also shown as a strong woman by the way they are standing which allow their teenage female audiences to be influenced to be just like them.

Matilda - extreme close up
This is an extreme close up explicitly shows the power of Matilda's eyes, the director wants the audience to analyze her eyes and to see what she is capable of. This image denotes Matilda trying really hard to move the object with her eyes, which connotes how skillful and capable she is, she has the determination that teenage or young female audience members may engage with. She is at eye level with the object which offers the audience to get a good perspective of what she is doing. This counter typical trait allows the female audience to see Matilda as a role model and would like to be aspired to be like her. Unlike the majority of other films Matilda is shown as an independent girl who doesn't rely on her parents and at a young age is capable of doing most stuff adults can do, this is very inspiring to younger audiences.

This is America- medium long shot
This is America music video had a huge effect across the world, it both explicitly and implicitly shows the issue in America, especially in the African American community. In the photo below it denotes Childish Gambino holding a gun and the choir behind dead.Some would say this isn't easy to unpack however it shows the violence towards the black church. This photo shows the parkland shooting and explicity bringing forward the hate crime from white supremists. From this median long shot, Childish Gambino is trying to tell the audience that the violence towards POC even in a place of worship is normalised. .

The Shawshank Redemption- median close up
This median close up denotes that these two men are very happy however from the mise en scent the audience can see that they are in prison clothes. The fact that they are in prison and they look happy shows a juxtaposition as prisons are usually a place where many people mental's health is at the lowest. This is counter typical as prisoners as they are usually are miserable as they are locked away in a building. To some this could not be a good representation of prisons as prisoners should be reflecting on their behavior and not being happy like this photo.

Establishing shot
This shot is a long shot which usually was the beginning of the movie, it intends to help to identify and orient the location or time for the scene. It also allows the audience to understand what type of background the actor/actress is coming from. It establishes the context for a scene by showing the relationship between figures and objects. Establishing shots also exposes nature, however this shot establish a concept, as it could look at individual
things like rain instead of a widespread location.
Image result for establishing shot
If the shot opens with a busy city it could connote the busy lifestyle and lots of things are going on, this will bring the audience attention more. Establishing shot used to be very common in the classical time of film however in the modern day filmmakers usually skip this part and get straight into the movie.

Canted Angle
Image result for dutch angle filmThis angle allows the audience to actually experience what the actor is feeling and makes them feel more involved. It can communicate a lot of different emotions with the audience, it also causes dramatic effects as it tilts from side to side. This image below denotes the man as being unstable and the camera tilting side to side with him to make the audience almost feel this way. It also connotes that this man must have been through something and allows the audience to have an emotional connection with him. Through the mise en scent, it explicitly shows that this man has been through a lot as he has a lot of bruises on his face and this can be a personal identification towards the audience.

Harry potter, high angle
Image result for high angle harry potterThe high angle is angle which can tell the audience who is the most dominating person in the situation. In this photo denotes that Voldemort is the dominating one as the audience can see an angle where he is looking down at Harry, From Harry's expression he seems to be in a mixture of being really angry and frightened, the audience can connote from the Harrys mise on scent that he has bruises all over his face and looks like he is hurt which can show that he is not the superior one in this situation.

Image result for low angle jokerThe dark knight, low angle

The director Christopher Nolen uses low angles to show the superior image the joker has. By using a long angle it makes the audience feel more engaged as it almost like we are below them and the joker has superior over us. The dark large building behind him allows the audience to know the dominance he has over
Batman. His facial expression shows that he is some sort of maniac and inhumane displaying that he is different from others.


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