camera movement

Camera Movement

Tracking- Kidnap
Tracking shots is the smooth movement in any direction that allows the camera to follow the action, they are usually used for when there is a build up of tension or suspense, for example a car chase or any sort of horror film. The example I'm using is kidnap, in this film, there is a massive car chase where a mother is chasing a kidnappers' car, there is a lot of movement and the tracking shot allows the audience to see what is going on clearly. This shot is a great way to build up suspense for the audience as it makes it's realistic, making them draw in their focus even more. Tracking also allows the director to easily get the action in any angle, the movement is so smooth it makes the audience to feel so involved in the film that they are almost running with her.

Panning is a type of camera movement that creates a sense of speed around a moving object, a way to keep your subject focus whilst the background is being blurred. I used Fast and Furious as an example, the director blurred out what's going on outside the race cars and only focused on the driver. This allows the audience to not distracted from what's going on in the background. Fast panning allows the audience to have an adrenaline rush which brings their attention in, even more, it also creates a supernatural feeling as in everyday life people aren't in cars that fast therefore its kind of a parallel life the audience are captured in.

This shot involves the camera moving up and down from a stationary position, it allows the director to move freely up and down. An example of this would be the opening scene of star wars, we are suffocated in the blackness of the space and the camera tilts down to the top part of the earth very slowly. Tilting shot allows the audience's attention to go from one place another, this shot allows the location to be revealed gradually which reveals a lot about the movie. The slow tilting to the earth creates tension to the audience and a sense of impatience. Tilting shot also reveals that something is coming, it brings tension in to the audience. Another example would be that it can show who is the superior one and who is the inferior one in the film and can reflect who has the most power in that situation.


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