Narrative Structure

Equilibrium in Midnight in Paris 

At the beginning of midnight in Paris, we are introduced to a couple who are preparing for their wedding, however, they both from America.
The man who is called Gil is deeply in love with Paris and keeps on mentioning living here to his wife to be, but the wife is not in favor of this.
Image result for midnight in paris inez and gil
From the beginning, the audience can see the couple aren't alike, as Gil loves Paris and pursuing his love for writing, however, Inez(wife to be) is more modern and would rather be in Bali.
This will engage the audience as their differences are foreshadowing the complications they go through in the future and whether their relationship will last long,


Image result for midnight in paris carOne night Gil and Inez are offered to go to a party, but Gil doesn't really want to go so Inez ends up going with her friends. Gil decides to take a stroll through Paris at night and at midnight he sits down at a step because he lost his way back. However, an old car that existed in the 1920s comes up to him and the people inside tell him to come in, he is hesitant at first but gives in and goes into the car. Gil is from the year 2011, but he meets people that were alive from the 1920s meaning he went back into time, they take him to a party, and he encounters people like the famous write Scott Fitzgerald and his wife Zelda, also one of his favorite writers Hemingway. Gil mentions the book he is writing and Hemingway tells him that he will take him to a novelist, however, once Gil goes and fetches his book he ends up back in 2011. Throughout the holiday Gil meets this woman named Gabrielle who works at an antic shop, and they get along really well, some would say better than his actual fiancĆ©.  This will make the audience to continue watching this movie as they would want to see if Gil goes back to 1920s the next day or was it just a one-time thing,


Image result for midnight in paris adriana
The next Gil wants to show Inez what he just went through, so around midnight he takes her to the same spot but no one arrives, Inez thinks he is being stupid and ditches him. A few minutes after Inez leaves the same car from last night arrives and takes Gil with them, this night Gil is introduced Gertrude Stein, Pablo Picasso and his lover Adriana, instantly Adriana and Gil are attracted to each other, the novelist agrees to read his book and Gil and Adriana get to know each other. A couple of nights forward Inez gets annoyed at Gil for continuously disappearing, her parents also get suspicious and hires a detective to follow him around, however, the detective ends up in another century. Gil eventually gets really closed to Adriana, and she makes an attempt for him to say and not return to 2011. Gil observes the people from the century and has an epiphany and realizes that despite the allure of nostalgia, any time can become a dull present and believes he has to go back.


Image result for midnight in paris endGill ends up rewriting his first 2 chapters from his novel, he is quite happy that the novelist and Hemingway are fond of his book, but questions why that his fiancĆ© (Inez)  is having an affair with a didactic character (their friend Paul). Gil returns to Paris and confronts his FiancĆ© and admits to sleeping with Paul but dismisses it as a meaningless fling. Gill ends up breaking with Inez and fulfills his dream of moving to Paris instead of going back to America. The audience will continue watching this romantic comedy to see where Gil ends up doing with his life, to some Inez and Gil breaking up would be a relief as their relationship was toxic and the director giving multiple hints that they were not right for each other.

New equilibrium 

Image result for midnight in paris gabrielleThe last scene is Gil walking in the night of Paris, he ends up bumping into Gabrielle, it begins to rain. They are not bothered by the rain and begin to share their love for the rain and their love for Paris. He offers to walk Gabrielle back home and it ends there, with Gil finding someone right for him and getting the life he deserves. The ending can be both open and closed as some audience will be relieved that it ended with Gil finding someone with the same interest as him and perhaps can start his life again. However, it can also be seen as open and a cliffhanger as some audience may have got attached to Gil and would like to see how his life with Gabrielle is and how his life in Paris becomes. Some would perhaps prefer a sequel to this whilst some are happy with the ending.
